For decades, Lake St. Clair has been renowned for its treasure trove of game fish, but in recent years, it has acquired the mantle one of the lakes in North America for both muskellunge and small mouth bass.
Lake St. Clair’s geographic proximity within the Great Lakes basin gives it its unique character as a World Class fishing destination. The swift flowing St. Clair brings clean, cold and nutrient rich water into the lake, where it is channeled in a wide delta consisting of the North, South and Middle Channels, plus the main shipping channel. These nutrients spawn bait fish which, in turn, spawn bigger fish. Really big fish. From Musky to smallies to yellow perch to walleye, from giant channel catfish to pike and largemouth—you will find them all in Lake St. Clair (and you might get surprised with other fish that tug on your line from time to time).
Take a fishing charter if you have limited time and want to maximize your success. If you have more time, you can rent a small aluminum boat with oars or a small outboard in a number of locations. Whether you use live bait or artificial lures, you won’t have to wait long until something hits. So if high adventure and big fish is what you seek, look no further than Lake St. Clair.